blog - article 5 : En Toutes Lettres - Maintenance
Our websites are delivered with a minimum maintenance period of 1 year, "pack without worries".
After this period, we can manage together a maintenance contract in order to ensure the follow up of your Joomla site.
A classical maintenance is :
blog - article 4 : En Toutes Lettres - Search Engine Optimization / Google Analytics
Why refer your website?
When your site is published on the Internet, therefore installed on a web server of the host, it is present on the net. You can access it via a web browser, as well as all the people to whom you have given his name (his url address). This is basic SEO.
To be able to be found by Internet users, via a few keywords entered on Google or another search engine like Bing, your website must be known to search engine databases.
blog - article 3 : En Toutes Lettres - Migration Joomla!
Migrate your Joomla 1.5, 2.5 website, to Joomla 3 :
If your site is in Joomla 1.5, you will need
- In the first time update all your extensions and joomla in 1.5.26
- Then migrate to 2.5, and then upgrade to 2.5.28,
- And finally, migration to 3 to arrive at 3.7.x
During these phases you evaluate the impacts on
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