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etl particles acymailing

The En Toutes Lettres Newsletter - Acymailing particle gives you the ability to quickly display an Acymailing Newsletter subscription module on your website.


4 choices of predifined layout : Email, Email compact with button text,  Email compact with button icon paper-plane-o (special style without background in Place Holder, usefull for non white section) or Email and name input box.

For more options, like redirection after validation, used standard acymailing module.



Main Options

These options affect the main area of the particle, and not the individual items within.

particle acymailing en

Particle Name Enter the name you would like to assign to the particle. This only appears in the back end.
CSS Classes Enter the CSS class(es) you want to use in the content of the particle.
Title Enter a title for the particle.
Description Enter a description for your particle (below Title)
Particle Style Select the style of layout you would like to have used for the item. You can choose: Email, Email compact, Email compact icon or Name + Email.
InputBox Name Enter text you wish to appear in the input box (Place Holder), users will enter their name in.
InputBox Email Enter text you wish to appear in the input box (Place Holder) users will enter their email address in 
InputBox text color Modify InputBox text color in form (if needed). You can choose Default (no modification), Clear (lighten black, template clear) or Dark (lighten white, template dark). Usefull in Dark module Style Email compact icon
List ID Enter your Acymailing List IDs of Email Subscriptions here separated by comma if needed (Ex 1 or 1,3,4).
Button Text Add text to your submit button
Button classes Enable CSS class(es) in your submit button.
Form Border Radius Define Form and Button border radius. You can choose, None (no border radius), Default (define by the template) or 1 rem (not used in  Email compact style)
Footer Text Enter any text here you want to appear in the footer area of the particle.


Newsletter V7

Style Email

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut. Lorem ipsum
InputBox text color: Default
Form Border Radius: None

Newsletter V7

Style Email Compact icone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut. Lorem ipsum
Block layout Box 3
InputBox text color: Dark

Newsletter V7

Style Name + Email

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut. Lorem ipsum

Newsletter V7